Thursday 14 April 2016

Cara Mendekati Gadis di Harvest Moon Hero of Leaf Valley

 Mendekatinya dapat membuat kita membuka event "The Tale of the Cake Contest". Setiap pagi 8-10 kita bisa menemuinya didepan Kafe miliknya ataupun di dekat danau.

FP +3 = Cheese, Full Moon Berry, Mistbloom
FP +2 = Vegetables, Flowers, Fruits, Mushrooms, Eggs, Milk, Gemstones, Jeweled Accessories, Seasonings, Vegetables/Egg/Dairy Cooking, Dairy Products, Seafood, Dessert, Juice, Honey
FP +1 = Red Herbs, Lumber, Fish, Portable Cooking

Katie Berulang Tahun pada 29 Fall

 Mendekatinya dapat membuat kita membuka event "The Tale of the Harvest Goddess Dress". Setiap Pagi di depan Clove Villa. 

FP +3 = Golden Egg, Stardust flower, Full Moon Berry, Milk (gold), FishL
FP +2 = Vegetables, Flowers, Fruits, Eggs, Milk, Fish (S and M), Jeweled Accessories, Dairy/Egg Cooking, Dairy Products 
FP +1 = Mushrooms, Red Herbs, Lumber, Seasonings, Portable/Vegetable Cooking, Seafood, Dessert, Juice, Honey
FP -   = Caterpillar 

Gina Berulang Tahun pada  20 Fall

 Event yang didapat darinya yaitu event inti game "Shooting for the Star". Alice berada didalam Funland Lodge jam 12-1 setiap senin-jum'at dan jam 8am setiap sabtu-minggu. 

FP +3 = Gemstones, Precious Ore, Jeweled Accessories
FP +2 = Flowers, Fruits, Ore, Vegetable Cooking, Dairy Cooking, Seafood, Dessert
FP +1 = Vegetables, Mushrooms, Red Herbs, Lumber, Eggs, Milk, Fish, Seasonings, Egg Cooking, Dairy Products, Juice, Honey

Alice Berulang Tahun pada 5 Spring

 Mendekatinya dapat membuka event "The Tale of the Golden Potato Seed". Dia berada di Clove Villa setiap hari pada jam 8-11am. 

FP +3 = Blueberries, Frost Pansy, Full Moon Berry
FP +2 = Vegetables, Flowers, Fruits, Eggs, Milk, Fish (M and L), Gemstones, Jeweled Accessories, Vegetables/Dairy/Egg Cooking, Seafood, Dessert, Juice, Honey
FP +1 = Mushrooms, Red Herbs, Lumber, Fish (S), Portable Cooking, Dairy Products

Dia Berulang Tahun pada 9 Winter


 Mendekatinya dapat membuka event "The Tale of the Blue Mist and Azure Swallowtail". Lyla berada di Tokonya kecuali hari Minggu.

FP +3 = Pink Cat Mint, Full Moon Berry
FP +2 = Vegetables, Flowers, Fruits, Mushrooms, Red Herbs, Eggs, Milk, Fish, Gemstones, Jeweled Accessories, Egg/Dairy Cooking, Seafood, Dessert, Juice, Honey
FP +1 = Lumber, Seasonings, Portable/Vegetable Cooking, Dairy Products

Lyla Berulang Tahun pada 29 Spring

 Mendekatinya dapat membuka event "The Tale of the Blue Bird". Aurelia berada 6-9am di Gereja 7-8pm di Gereja.

FP +3 = Lumber
FP +2 = Vegetables, Flowers, Fruits, Mushrooms, Red Herbs, Eggs, Milk, Fish, Ore, Precious Ore, Gemstones, Jeweled Accessories, Seasonings, Vegetables/Portable/Dairy/Egg Cooking, Dairy Products, Seafood, Dessert, Juice, Honey, Failed Dishes
FP +1 = -

Aurelia Berulang Tahun pada 5 Fall

 Mendekatinya dapat membuka event "The Tale of the Endangered Weasel". Gwen berada di Carpentry ditokonya, kecuali saat toko tutup/libur.

FP +3 = Cranberry, Full Moon berry, Milk (gold), Wild Mint 
FP +2 = Vegetables, Flowers, Fruits, Mushrooms, Eggs, Milk, Fish, Jeweled Accessories, Vegetables Cooking, Dairy Cooking, Dairy Products, Seafood, Dessert, Juice, Honey 
FP +1 = Red Herbs, Lumber, Seasonings, Portable Cooking, Egg Cooking

Gwen Berulang Tahun pada 8 Summer


 Mendekatinya dapat membuka event "The Tale of the Harvest Goddess Temple". Selalu berada di Goddess Spring.

FP +3 = Vegetables
FP +2 = Flowers, Fruits, Mushrooms, Honey
FP +1 = Red Herbs, Eggs, Milk, Fish, Gemstones, Jeweled Accessories, Seasonings, Portable/Egg/Vegetable/Dairy Cooking, Dairy Products, Seafood, Dessert, Juice

Untuk Penjelasan FPnya
FP : 0-39 - Hitam - 0
FP : 40-79 - Ungu - 1
FP : 80-129 - Biru - 2
FP : 130-179 - Hijau - 3
FP : 180-256 - Kuning - 4
FP : 260-349 - Oranye - 5
FP : 350 Merah - 6

Cara Mendekati Gadis di Harvest Moon Hero of Leaf Valley Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: ds

7 komentar

makasi gan makin mudah aja ni

seru nih kyaknya, thanks infonya gan ...

makasih banyakk yaa gan tutorialnya
tapi sayang ane ngga main harvest moon hero of leaf valley ._.

sip gan ... makasih tutor nya :v .. kasihan play HM ane jones :v

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